The Different Types of Writing Styles

Being in copywriting, I figured I needed to do alot of research on writing since that’s what I am going to do most. One area I realise was that I didn’t know much of how to write appropriately for different occasions, as such, I went on the net to do some research. The research was fruitful in a sense I learnt the different types of writing styles commonly used.

1. Descriptive Writing

  • Involves describing a given subject.
  • Writer tries to create the real picture or situation in the mind of the reader.
  • To present your description in a more effective way, you should use all the human senses – touch, smell, sight, sound and taste.
  • Describe an event, a scene, a location, an object, a person,etc.
  • Objective is to apply descriptive words when writing.
  • Often presented step by step.
  • This writing style is in common books, magazines and newspapers.

2. Persuasive Writing

  • Involves convincing someone.
  • Convince your readers to endorse your opinion or viewpoint.
  • Objective of persuading your readers.
  • Persuasive writing utilises the power of words to confidently and passionately relay a very important matter.
  • Play on words and deep passion will certainly render the desired effect.
  • Such writings are common in newspapers and magazines, particularly on the editorial section.

3. Expository Writing

  • Focuses on presentation of facts, data and information about a given subject.
  • At the end of the writing, the writer should state his opinions about the subject.
  • Highlights facts and illustrations which made him/her come up with these opinions.
  • Expository writing excellent if it is based on a subject which you are well versed with and can present to your readers in steps.
  • The writing is also common in many books, magazines and newspapers.

4. Compare and Contrast

  • Involves juxtaposing two different concepts, ideas, or entities to highlight their similarities and differences.
  • Examples: two ideologies, points of view, choices, places, books or their characters and any other thing that crosses your mind.
  • Writing a compare and contrast article or essay helps the readers to weigh the advantages and disadvantages between various options, in order to make a decision.
  • Giving similarities and differences enable the reader to have a bigger picture.

5. Narrative Writing

  • Story telling; whether fictional or non-fictional.
  • One of the most commonly written and read pieces, because it is much easier to narrate your experiences or to report about someone else’s.
  • Used to write personal essays, biographies, plays and movie scripts, but their main goal is to entertain the readers.
  • Narrative writing usually follows a given structure consisting of five elements such as:
  1. Setting: The time and venue of the event or story
  2. Characters: The protagonist (the main character) and other people featured in the story
  3. Problem: The challenge faced by the main character
  4. Events: How the main character handles the problem
  5. Resolution: The final solution to the problem


Based on the research, I would be doing more descriptive and persuasive writing and would research more on these areas.

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